Markfield Road Mural

In 2021 I was commissioned by Haringey Council to create this mural along a long stretch of sad looking concrete wall on Markfield Road N15.

It just so happens that my studio is on Markfield Road, so I had a vested interest in making it as good as it could possibly be.

And more importantly it needed to mark the area as a burgeoning creative business district in the borough.

There are hundreds of different artists, designers and musicians who call this road home, working out of old factory buildings that have been partitioned and repurposed for studios.

But it also has an industrial present. At the end of the road is one of the biggest rubbish dumps in North London. Huge trucks carrying load after load building waste rumble constantly up and down the road. It’s very dusty.

So I wanted to make sure the type style I designed reflected both the creative energy of the road and the heavy weight industry.

Restoration Remix

Two years after the mural was originally completed it was very badly graffed by some numpties.

There had been the odd tag over the months in the areas around the letters, relatively respectfully it has to be said. All I needed to do with them was get my tin of background paint out and covere them up, no problem.

But this was different, much more serious, fatal even. I would need to repaint a whole section of the mural to restore it to its former glory.

Then I had an idea: why not work with it, incorporate the damage so the mural could wear its scars with pride.

So I cut into the graf, retaining some its anarchic texture. Rather than jsut simply restoring the mural was remixed to become something new.


The Alphabet of Art
